Update Log

Update Log

1.8 support fixed Global xDacon 05-05-2024
The top 3 Gifters of April have been given their reward!~#1 teeth420 - 668.61 Cubits (89 Gifts)~#2 nple - 640.48 Cubits (43 Gifts)~#3 KashiFl - 504.47 Cubits (44 Gifts) Global CONSOLE 02-05-2024
All leaderboard cubit payouts have been rewarded!! GG!! (furniture trophies will be rewarded soon) Global RQCAPTAIN 01-05-2024
1 new map added (1837 total maps) Parkour Shinxray 01-05-2024
The top 3 Fools Crate openers have been given their rewards, GG! Global Swrds 30-04-2024
Fixed /linkaccount getting stuck Webiste AlexMl 30-04-2024
Fixed golden egg, chicken shooter & spring cleaning not giving progress towards festival pass Festival Roree 29-04-2024
Improved mob spawning ~Scale amount of mobs at /warp premium with the amount of players in the area ~Auto remove fireflies that fly out into the ocean ~Fixed AFK players messing with mob variety & spawning Festival ProtectionX 29-04-2024
Compacted mana/alchemist out of mana messages to show mana amounts in a singular hover message (Pending reboot) SkyBlock CullanP 28-04-2024
Fixed golem potion Earth Pinguinooo 28-04-2024
Fixed /prestige island level requirement [Next reboot] Islands Pinguinooo 28-04-2024
Fixed Giants set effects [Next reboot] SkyBlock Pinguinooo 28-04-2024
Fixed an issue allowing hoppers to work when shop signs are placed on the sides of a chest Global CullanP 27-04-2024
Fixed lock signs not being able to be applied to many interactables and blast furnaces SkyBlock CullanP 27-04-2024
Fixed an issue causing water walker to turn other islands water into ice (Pending reboot) SkyBlock CullanP 27-04-2024
Fixed Bee Pins & Honey Title Resourcepack Swrds 27-04-2024
v3.5.5 | Bee Crate Resourcepack Swrds 27-04-2024
Fixed an issue preventing Shiny Pineapples from being sold. If you have any Pineapples that cannot be sold after this update please make a ticket to receive replacements Festival Swrds 27-04-2024
Fixed not being able to catch any evil fireflies (Pending Reboot) Festival RQCAPTAIN 26-04-2024
Increased attachement upload size to 5mb. If you need more please upload somewhere else and link it. Website AlexMl 26-04-2024
